- 鬼娘1 by うたたねひろゆき 1994h475×w310×d270mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Hiroyuki Utatane / COMIC HOUSE - 鬼娘 by NAS-O, 2002作品タイトル(左〜右へ)h250×w320×d175mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©NAS-O / SHINYUSHA - 鬼娘by藤島康介 2009h540×w550×d200mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Kosuke Fujishima - テッサ(温泉編), 2008h190×w185×d150mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©Shoji Gato・Shikidouji / Gindai Koukou Seitokai - テッサⅢ, 2006h240×w190×d185mm+Cloth
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©Shoji Gato・Shikidouji / Fujimishobo - 不知火舞(2P) 2007h230×w195×d230mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©SNK PLAYMORE - 宮藤深衣奈, 2004h240×w280×d230mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Please!/BANDAI VISUAL - 田村えり子, 1992h300×w200×d150mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©PRODUCTION REED ・BIG WEST - ラムちゃん, 1983h260×w90×d90mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©RumikoTakahashi / SHOGAKUKAN Inc. - バニーガール by NAS-O, 1999h435×w260×d205mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©NAS-O / SHINYUSHA - ミンキーモモ, 1992h244×w110×d100mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©PRODUCTION REED 1991 - DAICON IV オープニングアニメーションの女の子, 1985h325×w120×d100mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©DAICON FILM - ピースメーカー, 2002h515×w260×d205mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©KAIYODO Co., Ltd. - 千鳥かなめ (原作版・水着), 2004h560×w260×d205mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©Shoji Gato・Shikidouji / Fujimishobo - 鬼娘2 by好実昭博, 1997h313×w260×d205mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Akihiro Yoshimi / FRANCE SHOIN Inc. - 小野寺樺恋, 2004h315×w205×d260mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Please!/BANDAI VISUAL - ミスティ・メイ, 1992h350×w210×d110mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©TOSHIBA EMI LIMITED・GAINAX - タカヤノリコ2, 1991h380×w170×d70mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©BANDAI VISUAL・JVC Entertainment・GAINAX - リムルル, 1997h465×w270×206mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©SNK PLAYMORE - ナコルルⅢ(七瀬葵作画), 1997h407×w300×d150mm
Acrylic Paint and Urethane Resins
©SNK PLAYMORE - 魔法戦士カーマイン 1999h497×w325×d210mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Terios - エリス, 2006h520×w225×d260mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©Okina Kamino / MEDIA FACTORY. Inc. - 沢野口 沙絵, 1996h505×w280×d170mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)
©1995 TRIANGLE STAFF CORP.・BANDAI VISUAL - 鬼娘 by NAS-O, 2000h530×w230×d200mm
Acrylic Paint and Resin (foamless urethane)